Give your kids the best chance at success

Our app makes managing chores easy for even the busiest parents. 

Why should you use Moneymate?

Easily keep track of a child’s chores all from one convenient dashboard

Chore completion is simple with notifications that go right to your phone

Tablet mode enables children that don’t have their own device to join

Easily reassign chores to any child or everyone. Even assign to anyone for “first come, first serve”


Feature requests

If you have any suggestions or feedback, email [email protected]

Add, edit, or deactivate a child.

To add a child to your account:
1) Navigate to your Settings by tapping the menu icon in the top left corner of your Parent Dashboard.
2) Tap “Add/Edit Family Members,” then click on “Add.”
3) Enter the necessary information.

My child doesn’t have an email to register. Can they still use the MoneyMate app?

To add a child without an email to your account:
1) Navigate to your Settings by tapping the menu icon in the top left corner of your Parent Dashboard.
2) Tap “Add/Edit Family Members,” then click on “Add.”
3) Select “No” under the “Does your child have their own device to log in?” section.

Note: the best way for a child to manage chores without a personal device on MoneyMate is by using a shared tablet singed into a parent account

How can my children log in to the MoneyMate app?

If your child has their own account, please sign up with the email address that you registered in Add/Edit Family Members. The app will automatically show the child screen.

If your child does not have their own account, you can use a tablet. Please log in with the parent email and password. The app will show the shared child screen.

What is the difference between chores and jobs?
How do I change my password?
I can’t see the parent account in tablet mode.